I teach a large-enrollment lower-division class, UWP 011: Popular Science and Technology Writing, that has TAs to help with grading and to lead discussion sections.
Since I created the class in 2011, I have taught it ten times, and have worked with 18 TAs.
For some graduate students, being a TA in UWP 011 is their first experience teaching writing. I provide training and quarter-long mentoring to each one. Some return to TA the class for two or three years, and sometimes our mentoring relationship continues beyond the end of their TAships.
Here is a list of TAs (whose names are a matter of public record), grouped by area:
- Jessica Stokes, Performance Studies
- Tori White, Comparative Literature
Education & Social Sciences
- Tara Porter, Education
- Vanessa Segundo, Education
- Manuel Senna, Linguistics
- Lina Yamashita, Education
- Lauren Camp, Ecology
- Lauren Fink, Neuroscience
- Johnny Jaber, Public Health
- Chantelise Pells, Geography
- Amanda Poulsen, Aquatic Toxicology
- Clark Richter, Plant Sciences
- Paulina Rojas Rojas, Community and Regional Development
- Jessica Schlarbaum, Avian Science
- Alex Shakouri, Computer Science
- Watumesa Tan, Microbiology
- Ania Truszczynski, Population Biology
- Sean Wilson, Chemistry